

It goes without saying that you should start your retreat with a welcome to the ladies.  For many, getting to the retreat has been a battle in itself.  Some women have had to overcome many adversities just to get to the retreat.  Others have traveled a long distance.  Begin with a “Welcome, we’re glad you’re here!”  Assure them that God has a purpose for them being at the retreat, even if they don’t know what it is at this point.

The welcome actually can begin at the registration table, and continue at the door, where our “greeter” welcomes each woman as she arrives.  Then, the first session always begins with a welcome. (Sometimes, since our retreat starts on Friday night, and some women don’t arrive until Saturday morning, we add a welcome at the first session on Saturday morning, too.)  We always make sure to welcome and recognize visitors,  other churches and pastor’s wives who are in attendance. A “meet and greet” time might be appropriate,if your schedule allows for it.  If time is limited, we do some group ice breaker questions, such as “Who has never been to a retreat before?” or “Who has traveled the furthest to be at this retreat?”  A warm, receptive welcome will be a good start to your event!

Posted in: Little Things Make a Big Difference!, Retreat and Event Planning

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