
The Value of a Read-Through

Once the skit has been written or selected, the next thing we do is have a read-through.  Anyone who has volunteered to help with the skit in any capacity is invited, and I may make a few special invitations to people I think may like to be involved in the skit or whom I consider to be perfect for a part in the skit. All are given the skit ahead of time, so they can become familiar with it.  At this point, few, if any, parts have been assigned, but if people tell me that they are interested in a certain part, I take note of that.  During the read-through, several things are going on:

  • I am listening for those who read the parts and really “get” the characters.  I may let various people read each part.
  • We read-through slowly, taking time to discuss ideas for sets, props and costumes.  When things are brought up in the group, we can discuss who has that particular skill or item.  For instance, in our last skit, we thought it would be fun to have an antique typewrite as a prop; lo and behold, someone had one and was willing to bring it.  And by the way, anyone who contributes a prop or costume is responsible to find it and bring it home after the skit is over!
  • I always assign a “secretary” to take notes during the read-through.  I have found that it is too much for me to keep track of all the ideas that are brought up.  If people say that they have a certain prop or costume item, it is written down.
  • We make a list of props needed for each act of a multiple-act skit.
  • As the skit is read aloud, we find lines that do not work well, or are not easy to say.  Corrections and suggestions are made during the read-through which will be added to the final script.  Sometimes ladies will ad-lib some pretty funny lines which are added to the final skit script.

By the end of a read -through, I hopefully have a pretty good idea of who will be doing what, and more importantly, we all have a somewhat united vision of what the skit will look like on stage.

**Important Note:  Don’t assign a role permanently to anyone who has not registered for the retreat!

Posted in: News & Information, Skits

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