Thoughts on Serving
Our pastor brought up a few things in today’s sermon that are worth thinking about as women’s ministry leaders.
First, he said that if you have been a Christian for a while, it is like you are now working for God’s company. What department do you work in? That’s easy…we work in the women’s ministry. But within that ministry, there are a lot of jobs needing to be done. Have your women found their “niche”? Even in small churches, where everyone wears a lot of hats, and some must do things they are not particularly gifted at doing–the ministry gets compartmentalized. Does someone take on the event planning? The event promotion? Word processing/graphics? Hospitality?
The second thing, related to the first was our pastor’s ending prayer…that we might serve God as He deserves to be served. Wow! He gave the best, and He deserves our best in return.
Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning
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