The Servant Leader – A Book Review
The Servant Leader
is a small, easy-to-read book of less than 125 pages. It was written by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges. Mr. Blanchard was one of the authors of the secular best seller entitled The One Minute Manager. In fact, they reference this fact in their introduction, where they summarize this book by the phrase “Turning the One Minute Manager into a servant leader like Jesus.” This book shows that Jesus is a practical and effective leadership model for all situations and all people. They encourage us to put His servant leadership into practice in all of our leadership roles, inside and outside of the church setting.
They tackle leadership issues such as self-serving leaders vs. servant leaders, character, vision, leadership styles, etc. They back up everything with scripture, and give scriptural “case studies” for each point they make, in addition to personal examples. They emphasize the need for the servant leader to to be a student of the Word as well as the need for accountability. The authors say “True success in servant leadership depends on how clearly values are defined, ordered, and lived by the leader.”
This book clearly and concisely defines the steps to becoming a servant leader like Jesus. It made me long to not only put these principles into practice myself, but to serve under such leadership!
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