
That To-Do List

to do horizontalThis is a common theme on this website, I know.  But the issue constantly comes up in my life, so I feel that it is appropriate to discuss.  Every  ministry leader I know is very busy and wears many hats. Often women’s ministry is not the only place you serve in the church, not to mention outside areas of responsibility.  We are to do “everything as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23) and “for His glory” (I Corinthians 10:31)….but sometimes ministry can just feel like more items to put on a never-ending to-do list.

When we get to that place, we need to step back and regain our focus.  Ministry is a blessing and a privilege — not a burden. Yes, flyers need to be made, we need to prepare for studies, we need to plan events, and there are a multitude of other things that need our attention.  BUT God has put souls in our care, and those souls are of great value to Him.  Ministry is people, and not just a list of tasks to be accomplished.  People can not be checked off our list so easily.  People want to talk; people have needs; people have problems that don’t have an easy or convenient solution;  people need prayer; people need our time and attention.

How can we regain our focus?  The first thing is to go to God and confess our preoccupation with “tasks,” and ask for His help in determining our priorities.  We need to pray for the people in our care, and pray that God would give us His heart for them. We need to ask God to be the Lord of our to-do lists!






Posted in: Inspirations, Latest Downloads, News & Information, Realities of Ministry

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