Prayer for Your Women’s Ministry
At our last women’s ministry leaders’ meeting, Denise (our pastor’s wife and head of women’s ministry) shared some verses that she is now praying for our leaders and our Women’s Ministry in general:
Romans 15:5-7: “Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God.”
We have a group of nine leaders in the women’s ministry, and we are a rather eclectic group. There are different personalities, different ethnic backgrounds and life experiences, different ages and stages in life, different gifts and abilities, different passions, and different styles of teaching. But somehow God has called all of us to be a part of this leadership group, and God loves using our differences to minister to women.
Allowing differences to cause division and competition does not bring God glory. Our women’s ministries are made up of women who are very different. Individual women may relate more to one leader’s unique style and perspective more than another leader. So the variety in our group of women’s ministry leader is a good thing. The unifying factor is our love for Jesus Christ and our desire to serve the women. God alone can give us oneness and unity, and the result of that like-mindedness brings glory to God.
Posted in: Inspirations, Realities of Ministry
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