Operating from the Eye of the Hurricane
In the review of Gail MacDonald’s book High Call High Privilege, one of her illustrations really spoke to me. She compares life in the ministry to being inside a hurricane, surrounded by the stresses and trials of our own lives, as well as the hurricane-like winds of needy people. It would be easy to get consumed and worn down by the difficulties people face. The needs around us can be overwhelming. Yet, as Ms. MacDonald says, “We cannot resent the spiritual struggles that people face just as a physician must not resent the sickness his patients bring to him for diagnosis and treatment.”
The key to living in the hurricane of human events is to operate from the eye of the hurricane. The eye is the center of the hurricane, a place of peace and a type of normalcy. How do we stay in the eye of the storm? Jesus gave us the example. He paid attention to His inner spirit’s need for restoration and filling. In scripture, we often see Christ retreating from the crowds and his disciples to spend time in prayer. While His life was surrounded by hurricane-like forces, He was not distracted from His priorities or calling.
Posted in: Inspirations
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