
Do You Micro-Manage?

micromanage“Micro-Manager” is a business term that has been coined for the leader who is controlling and gives excessive attention to minor details.  He or she tries to ensure perfection by insisting on reviewing and approving everything.  A micro-manager squelches initiative and creativity, and is perceived as having a lack of faith in the employee’s competence.  Conversely, the term “macro-manager” refers to one who leaves the employee alone to their assigned tasks, confident that he or she has chosen competent workers who can complete the task.

Outside of the business world, we can still micro-manage and squelch the initiative and creativity of those serving under us.  Yes, we want everything to be perfect for a retreat or women’s event. But we also need to give the assigned leader space to learn and grow and even make mistakes as they seek the Lord and use their God-given gifts and abilities.  No, they may not do things exactly the way that you would have; but God doesn’t need another “you.”  And maybe it’s time for a change in “the way things have always been done.”

Posted in: Developing Leadership, Lessons Learned, News & Information, Realities of Ministry

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