Journey to Retreat 2010 – Retreat Planning Meeting
Our retreat planning meeting took place on August 8, approximately three months prior to the retreat. As explained in Retreat Planning Meeting, Part 1 and Part 2, we open this meeting to any woman in the church who would like to be involved in some part of retreat planning. We held the meeting after a Sunday service, to make it as convenient as possible for women to attend. At this year’s Retreat Planning Meeting, we had twelve sign-up sheets available. Each of these sign-up sheets represent an area where our leaders anticipate that we will need help over the next few months of retreat planning and preparation. The areas were: Registration Table at church and Registration at the hotel, Skit, Book Reviews/Book Table, Hospitality Table, Retreat Work Party, Communion, Secret Angels, Decorations, Greeters, Transportation, Clean-Up and Miscellaneous.
Women who did not make the meeting will have the opportunity to sign up either at the women’s Bible study or by calling the leader in charge. Hopefully, most of the spots will be filled within the next month!
Posted in: Journey to Retreat 2010
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