Journey to Retreat 2010 – August
Our August leaders’ meeting was held this week. We are now barely three months away from the retreat, and some of our leaders have already been very busy with preparations.
- Registration materials have been developed and printed, and registration packets have already been sent out to sister churches. All registration materials are ready to go, although it will be a month before we start registration at our church.
- We reviewed the “results” of the retreat planning meeting (which was not well attended), and proposed other ways of presenting the retreat opportunities to our women who may want to serve. We will be bringing the sign-up sheets for the retreat to the women’s Bible study. We may also make them available after Sunday service in the Fellowship Hall, and at the Welcome Center when women pick up registration information next month.
- We will make sure that a flyer insert for the bulletin is created so that it will be ready when registration for the retreat opens in mid-September. Up to that point, there will just be regular bulletin announcements so that our ladies will be kept informed and can plan ahead.
Besides the leaders involved in very preliminary things like organization, registration and retreat planning, the rest of us are just beginning to get on top of our areas of responsibility. Skit writing will begin in the next two weeks. Our quiet time activity is being planned. The schedule is being developed. Books for book reviews are being determined. Supplies for decorations are being gathered. By our September meeting, every area should have progress to report.
Posted in: Journey to Retreat 2010
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