Imitate Me!
People use many methods to broadcast their message to the world. Some wear a button or adhere a bumper sticker to their car. Others wear a message emblazend across their t-shirt. Now we even see messages tatooed on bodies. What message would you like to broadcast?
I am amazed at the boldness of Paul’s statement in I Corinthians 11:1 which says “Imitate me, just as I also [imitate] Christ.” Would I wear a T-shirt with that statement? Could I say that? Imagine a button proclaiming “Do what I do, because I am following Jesus!” Could I, even on my best day, wear that button? Whew! I think it would be hard to wear that button, since I know my attitudes, weaknesses and failures. Or maybe wearing that button would motivate me, being a reminder that there are always those who are watching my example.
If people imitated you, would the world see Jesus?
Posted in: Inspirations
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