
I Love Lists…and a Predictable Day!

iStock_000005092097XSmall-todo-list-notebookI love lists.  I love making lists…and I love crossing items off that list! Sometimes I make a list just so I can cross items off.

Maybe pride is involved, because it gives me a sense of satisfaction as I see, in a tangible way, the things I have accomplished in a day.  However, it is not just selfish things on those lists.  The lists may include ministry tasks, letters to write, calls to make that pertain to ministry, in addition to my personal goals for the day.  The perfect day in my eyes would include my quiet time, accomplishments of my daily tasks, and significant progress on “the list.”

Unfortunately, that “perfect day” is a rarity.  Why?  People.  People interrupt.  People have needs.  People want to talk.  People want my time.  People have problems that don’t have an easy or convenient solution.  People don’t get checked off a list so easily.

But if I look at the example of Jesus, I see that His priority was people.  He saw them with eyes of compassion and reached out and ministered to them at every opportunity.  His single-minded purpose included all of those interruptions and inconveniences caused by the needs of those around Him.


Posted in: Inspirations, News & Information, Realities of Ministry

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