Event Planning and Networking
“Networking” is now a familiar business term, define as “engaging in informal communication with others for mutual assistance or support.” Networking is based on the question “How can I help?” instead of “What can I get?” Networking can bring people together for the purpose of filling gaps and bridging weaknesses to accomplish a goal.
As the vision for the retreat or event is shared with your ladies, those ladies may find that they themselves have in their possession the items that will help you carry out your vision. For instance, you want to make a remembrance out of a square tile, and one of your ladies just happens to have tiles leftover from a recent remodeling project. Or if your ladies can’t meet a specific need, they may have someone in their circle of friends that can meet specific needs. For instance, a pastor’s wife shared with me that they were planning a luncheon on a small church budget, and desired centerpieces for the tables. One of their women knew a florist who was willing to donate flowers for this purpose. Your ladies may have family members, friends, or business contacts outside of your church body who would gladly contribute to the event if they were approached. If you are in a do-it-yourself mode, networking may be a means to finding supplies/services free or at cost. A retreat or event planning meeting may be one way to network with a number of your ladies as you are in the planning stages of your event.
Networking is not just for the business world!