
Change is Good! YOUR Part

In order to take this ministry to the next level and realize our vision, we need YOU.  We have been doing women’s ministry functions for 25 years; even so, counting annual retreats and women’s functions, we have planned only a limited number of events.

So, the realization of our vision of being an online resource for women’s ministry hinges on our collection of ideas and our ability to organize that input in a logical and easy-to-navigate manner on this website.

Wouldn’t it be great to access a website to scroll through ideas as you are prayerfully considering your next women’s event?

“No one can whistle a symphony…”

That’s why we need YOU, our readers, to contribute women’s ministry ideas that have worked for you!  So…Put on your thinking caps.  Help us answer some of these questions, and contribute to the Retreat-in-a-Bag website.

  • Have you planned or attended events, retreats or other women’s ministry functions that you could tell us about?
  • What made it particularly special for you?  What creative and unique idea could another women’s ministry possibly use?
  • What themes have you used (and theme verses), and how have you decorated for those themes?
  • Does your women’s ministry do something special for any holiday?
  • Have you created a unique flyer or invitation that you could share?
  • How have you cleverly saved time and money?
  • What problems have you encountered?
  • Have you found a website that has proven helpful as you plan retreats or events for your ladies?
  • OR, if you are new to women’s ministry, what kind of information would you like to see on this website?

YOU are our most valuable resource.  Take the next 30 seconds and fill in your best answer to any or all of the questions above.  No comment is too small or insignificant. We value any input you care to share!


Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning

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