Building Your Retreat Schedule (Part I)
Planning your retreat schedule can be a daunting task. I have listed some questions below. You should know the answers to these questions before you actually start putting anything down on paper.
- What are the non-negotiable schedule components set up by retreat venue? (i.e. time to check in/check-out, meal times)
- How many sessions will your speaker teach?
- How long should each teaching session be? (Our suggestion is 45 minutes or less; more than that become a little much for your women; however, your speaker may have some input on that.)
- A time of worship should be planned for each session, prior to the teaching.
- What other components of the retreat need to be considered? Will you have a skit? Book reviews? Prayer times? Testimonies? Communion? Free time activities? Ice breakers or games? Craft times? Determine the amount of time needed for each of these extra components.
- Don’t forget to include announcements, introductions (if needed) and breaks for your women!