Re-Discovering “Broken Heart”
You never know what you might find as you go through old files! This week I did something I have been putting off for months–cleaned out my file cabinet. I hate to admit it, but I may be a paper hoarder!
I have a file drawer of skits–consisting mostly of those we have written over the years. But this week I ran into a script for a one-act play called “Broken Heart.” I first encountered this play in Bible School, over 30 years ago. I have to say that to this day it is one of the most powerful plays I have ever seen. I immediately asked for a copy of the script, which had the author’s name, but no contact or copyright information. Back in the early 90’s I searched for the author, but my only option was calling information and trying to find a phone number. But when I saw the script last week in my file, I thought about searching using Facebook, and voila! I sent out a couple inquiries to those with similar names, and within 24 hours I had found the author.
Because I assume that many of you, my regular readers, found this website looking for retreat skits, I wanted to make this resource known to you. “Broken Heart” is a serious drama, unlike most of the skits found on the www.retreatinabag website. I have excerpted from the author’s website the following summary:
Broken Heart is a story about a young girl (representing you and I) growing up with hurts by parents, friends, a boyfriend, and others that continue to tear away at her heart. The play makes extensive use of unique props to visually communicate our efforts to protect ourselves from the hurts of life in harmful ways such as through anger, bitterness, busyness, and more.
Posted in: News & Information, Resources, Skits
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