The Oscars

Posted in: Inspirations, News & Information
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Leave a Comment (0) →How many times have you avoided talking to someone because you know that you should know her name, but you don’t remember it? Unless all of your women are well acquainted with one another, name tags should be required for all women’s events.
1) DO print your name tags out beforehand – Unless you have registration at the door, I much prefer having all the name tags printed and ready for ladies to pick up on arrival. It saves time and confusion as ladies are arriving.
2) DO use a large font – First name should be printed in a large font that can be easily read at a distance. The surname and other information can be in a much smaller font.
3) DO spell their name correctly! Have some blank name tags available for corrections. No one likes their name misspelled,
4) DO choose your font style wisely – Fancy script fonts are much harder to decipher than block fonts.
5) DO remember that women may be dressed up for your event – Sticky name tags and pin-on name tags can both be detrimental to nice material. It may be wise to limit your name tags to those worn around the neck or clipped on. Read more about retreat name tags here.
6) DO include the event title or graphic on the name tag. Using the title or theme of the event, the graphic or theme verse turns an ordinary name tag into a keepsake of the event.
Recalibrate. That is a great word for a new year! It means to carefully assess and adjust by taking external factors into account. It means to compare with a standard and reset for accuracy.
Retreat-in-a-Bag was started over six years ago with the purpose of sharing what we have learned, sharing skits and other resources that we have written and used at women’s retreats over the years. We didn’t want to overwhelm anyone’s inbox with lengthy posts, but just occasionally post ideas and insights that might be helpful.
As we consider 2017, we would really like some feedback on what you have used from this website and what you would like to see. Have you been able to make use of any of the free downloads? Have you ventured out and tried one of the skits? We would love to hear about it.
There are a handful of great women’s ministry websites out there. Are we meeting a need? Input is extremely helpful, whether you are a new subscriber or if you have been with us for a while. Help us recalibrate for 2017!
I hope you had a Merry Christmas, Readers! And Happy New Year!
For the past few months, I have been more or less absent from Retreat-in-a-Bag. My son and his wife, along with my 4-year-old grandson have been visiting from China for a few months. They came home to have a baby–my second grandson (born 12/9/16). That major “distraction”, in addition to our women’s retreat and regular women’s ministry activities, has kept me occupied offline…in a good way!
My daughter-in-law’s progressing pregnancy reminded me of a Christmas song (sung by Faith Hill): “A Baby Changes Everything.” How true that is! Because of baby Josiah’s arrival, our family is forever changed!
But, of course, the song is referring to a special Baby who came and whom we celebrate at Christmas–a Baby who truly changed everything. God loved…and sent His Son for the purpose making our relationship with Him possible. He made possible a life free from the bondage of sin. He changed our eternal destiny, as well as our day-to-day existence. He covers us with grace and mercy. He gives purpose and meaning to life. He changed everything in my life, that’s for sure.
Honestly, this website exists because of Him and for Him and for His glory. God has consistently used women’s ministry and the accompanying retreats and events for my growth. Size of the ministry doesn’t make a difference–we are a small church. But depth of the ministry does matter. We shouldn’t waste the few hours a week that we have with our women. Every activity should lead to a deeper understanding of our Savior and His Word, and a pursuing of prayer and fellowship with Him and others. My desire is to encourage women’s ministries as they strive to take their women deeper through every possible avenue–through regular Bible study, retreats, skits, and other creative means of making His Word real and applicable in our lives.
My prayer, as we begin this new year, is that God would use the resources offered by Retreat-in-a-Bag for His purposes, and that women’s ministries would be encouraged to follow hard after God, to faithfully minister to their women and to reach out to the hurting world around them. We know the One who changes EVERYTHING!
Every retreat should have a hospitality table where women can find items needed to make their retreat experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Women forget to pack essential items and things that they didn’t realize they would need, and we try to anticipate those items to have them available. We have our table of supplies in the back of the meeting space and during announcements, we point it out so women will know it is there.
After every retreat, we store unused supplies until the next year, when we replenish and expand our offerings, according to need.
We have miscellaneous items available, including umbrellas, pens, toothbrushes, Kleenex, etc. But from my observation, here are the six most popular items to have available at your hospitality table:
#6 -Earplugs – you can purchase these very cheaply, and they may help some ladies have a good night’s sleep in an unfamiliar setting with roommates.
#5 -Toiletries (of course) in sample sizes in case your women left home without them. If you retreat at a hotel, the hotel provides some of these things (shampoo, soap, etc.), but if you are in a camp-style venue, you need to have supplies such as shampoo/conditioner, soaps, toothpaste, lotions, etc.
#4-Feminine care products – this goes without saying. Women come unprepared!
#3- Throws – Venues are normally kept cool (even in the warmer months), which is acceptable for the majority of your women, but others will be uncomfortable and distracted because they are cold. If we could offer something for the middle-aged ladies who run hot, we would!
#2-Basic medical supplies – Tylenol and Ibuprophen, antibiotic creams, bandaids and throat lozenges are a must. If you are in a more rural setting, bug spray, Benedryl and calamine lotion may be indicated. We have even had pain relief patches available in our more recent retreats.
#1. Can you guess what #1 is? CHOCOLATE! Are you surprised? We always provide mints, hard candies, and small chocolates. Chocolates disappear first!