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Becoming a Titus 2 Woman – A Book Review


This book, by Martha Peace describes itself as “a tool to train older women to successfully mentor younger women.”  She believes that “God desires every Christian woman’s ministry to be somewhat centered around being a Titus 2 Woman and teaching and encouraging the younger women to be a Titus 2 Woman.”  Based primarily on Titus 2:3-5, the book is divided into four parts:

  • When I disciple a younger woman;
  • How does a Titus 2 woman act?
  • What does a Titus 2 woman teach?
  • Why should a Titus 2 woman teach?

The first two sections focus on the mentoring process and the character qualities of an “older woman”.  “Older” does not refer only to a woman’s age in years–it refers more importantly to the level of maturity in her Christian walk.  The older woman should be maturing in the areas of doctrine, character and ministry for Him.  The older woman is to model the godly life and teach the younger woman, through words and example.

Titus specifically instructs the older women to teach and encourage the younger women in seven specific areas.  The third section of this book focuses on how women can be obedient in doing that.  The study questions at the end of each chapter help women to understand what the Bible teaches in each of these areas.

The final section discusses the reason that older women should be teaching the younger women–“that the Word of God may not be dishonored” (Titus 2:5).  It is an encouragement that we take this mandate seriously.

The book is full of practical examples, and a woman who reads the book and completes the study questions will feel prepared to minister to younger women as instructed in Titus 2.

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Running with the Giants – A Book Review

Running with the Giants is a small but mighty book authored by John C. Maxwell.  Its subtitle, “What Old Testament Heroes Want You to Know about Life and Leadership” summarizes this book in a nutshell.  In each of the ten short chapters, an Old Testament leader and hero of the faith shares a key lesson they learned in their life.  These words of wisdom are meant to encourage and empower the reader as they run their own race.  Noah, Esther, Joseph, Moses, Rebekah, Abraham, Nehemiah, the servant girl, David and Jonathan each share their life lesson in an intimate first person, conversational format.

The author begins each chapter with a little biblical/biographical background on the character and how God was working in his or her life.  From there, the character “speaks” to us, sharing a life lesson from their perspective, ending with some specific encouragement and application to the reader.  The character then shares his prayer for us.  Each chapter ends with a discussion guide that asks the reader to consider how the character may have seen certain events in his or her life, as well as personal reflection questions which make the lesson(s) applicable to the reader.

I highly recommend this small book, as it considers such significant leadership issues as when life isn’t turning out as you had planned, when you are fearful or reluctant, when problems overwhelm you, and when you think your efforts are insignificant, to name just a few.

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The Greeting Ministry–Making Ladies Feel Welcome

In our efforts to do our best to welcome and make people feel comfortable at the retreat, we have “greeters” at every retreat and women’s event.  To “greet” means to meet or receive demonstratively, as with expressions of kind wishes and welcome.”  We want every woman who attends our retreats and women’s events to know that we are so glad that they have come.  So “greeting” has become a ministry of its own.

Kelly has been our leader in charge of the greeters for the past few years.  For our retreat, Kelly usually asks four girls (who are able to be at the retreat early) to serve as greeters.  Two will be at the door to the meeting room when registration begins, and two will be available inside the meeting room. The registration table normally opens about an hour before the first session begins.  At that time, ladies can pick up name tags and booklets, and the doors to the main meeting room are opened.  There are always ladies there, ready to register early, and the rest trickle in all evening. The greeters have the job of welcoming the ladies as they register.   The girls at the door just welcome the women as they enter the meeting room.  The girls inside the meeting room wander around the room and engage women in conversation.  It is often the case that a woman will arrive and check in alone–either because she is new or because her friends have not arrived yet.  Since we include sister churches, it is possible that some arrive, knowing no one.  Those ladies are the ones particularly targeted by our inside greeters.

We find that there are women who are especially suited for the ministry of “greeter.”  They have a heart for women, and a desire to draw them into fellowship, and a gift for talking to new people.  These women may also enjoy being a table leader.

Posted in: Ministry at the Retreat, Retreat and Event Planning

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Lessons from Aaron and Hur (Part 3)

Aaron and Hur played an important part in the Israelite victory over Amalek–even though it is very possible that the army below had no idea that they were instrumental in the victory.

How did they contribute to the victory?  Obviously, they held up Moses’ arms so that the rod of God could remain elevated.  It is important to note that Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arms–they weren’t hanging off of them.  They didn’t add to Moses’ burden.  They were not coming to him with their needs and advice in the midst of this battle.  They were humble and willing to take this lowly and inglorious position, near Moses’ armpits.  They were submissive, not trying to usurp his position or change the battle plan, or give orders.  They honored his position of authority.  They held his arms steady until the end (sunset).  They didn’t back out when things got harder.  Their job was not particularly pleasant–it was a hot, miserable and definitely tiring job.  Not to be disrespectful, but holding up Moses’ arms could have put them in the position where the odor was unpleasant, to say the least.  Serving their leader required them to die to self.

For their part, Aaron and Hur probably had an amazing perspective on the battle.  They were seeing God’s intervention first hand.  And they had the satisfaction of knowing that God had used them in a small way to help gain the victory.  The credit and glory belonged to God–but what an honor to have been a participant!

Posted in: Inspirations, Realities of Ministry

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Books Need to be Recycled!

An alternative to the book table at the retreat (where selected books are offered for sale) is to have a “donations” table, where books are available for a donation–“whatever you can afford”.  We actually do this in addition to a regular book table, giving our ladies the option of either buying a new book, or giving a small donation to obtain a used book.

During the month(s) prior to the retreat, we ask ladies in our women’s ministry if they have good books that they have read and would like to donate.  These books are carefully reviewed and either accepted or rejected, as we know that all so-called “Christian” books are not profitable reading (see our guidelines here).  Often people have extra Bibles lying around at home too, and we welcome those donations as well.

At the retreat, these books are displayed on a table with a money box labeled “whatever you can afford.”  One year,  someone expressed that she was so blessed that she was able to pick up a special Bible–something she would have been unable to afford–for just a small donation.  This is a blessing for the women, especially those who love books and can’t afford to buy them.  The income from this table can cover a shortfall at the book table or can provide cash to purchase books for the book table next year.

What a great “recycling” program!

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