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2010 Retreat Booklet

There are many ways to print your booklets, many choices in sizes and binding.  In the coming weeks, we will be discussing the various ways that we have put together our retreat booklet in the past.  In the early years  when the church was very small, we did everything in-house–copying and binding our booklets at the church (which limited the options).  Now that we are a little bigger, we look for a low cost way to have them done professionally.

This year we chose what proved to be a very easy way to create our booklet.  It required no trimming of pages.  Our printer used 11 x 17 paper, which, when folded and bound by a saddle-stitch (staples down the middle fold) resulted in a regular 8-1/2 x 11 booklet.  The cover was printed in color on a heavier glossy paper.  The book sparkled!  The money saved on the binding allowed us to splurge a little on the cover.

Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning

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Blessing Your Guest Speaker

In addition to making sure the guest speaker is fully informed before the event, and providing a hostess to care for her needs during the event, we like to give our guest speaker a welcome gift.  This is not in place of an honorarium. Instead, this is a gift to welcome her and show our appreciation.  Often this gift takes the form of a hospitality basket which is waiting for her in her room.  The basket is filled with small consumable supplies that she might need or enjoy during her stay.  This may include:  bottled water or beverage of her choice, snacks, throat lozenges and/or small gifts.  If possible, we contact her church or a personal friend to find out her special preferences.  For instance, the guest speaker may love dark chocolate, and that would be included in the hospitality basket.  If we have a gift for her (for instance, a gift associated with the retreat theme), we keep in mind that she will have to transport the item home, and try to avoid large, bulky items, especially is they are traveling by air.

We have also made cards available for our ladies to write a note to our guest speaker toward the end of the event.  Not every woman will write a note, but often there are women who especially identify with the speaker or were particularly ministered to by her, and they are given the opportunity to express this in a card.  These cards are given to the guest speaker upon her departure.

Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning, Your Guest Speaker

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Gratitude is Worth the Time

Sure, as we put on a women’s retreat, we are all working together to serve the Lord.  There are those who rightly say that in serving the Lord we shouldn’t expect the praise or gratitude of men.  However, as women’s leaders, my observation has been that expressing sincere appreciation for someone’s time and effort creates a sense of unity and loyalty among those who come alongside to help in the ministry.  Sometimes we may not even realize the time invested or the sacrifices someone has made in order to be involved.

I was thinking of an example from our recent retreat.  I am “in charge” of the skit at the retreat, and need numerous volunteer helpers.  I have one busy  mom of five who always volunteers to be involved in our retreat skits.  She not only enjoys participating as an “actress,” but she also volunteers to make (by hand) beautiful signs when they are needed as props in the skits.  Because the signs are creative and high quality, I know that she spends more than a few hours late at night after the little ones are in bed making these signs.  Only she really knows the time and money that were invested in these signs.

For the most part, those who watch the skit just take for granted that those signs are part of all that makes up the skit.  That is as it should be–props should enhance the skit rather than take attention away from the skit or its message.  No one ever asks me who created the signs because, as props, they have only enhanced the message of the skit.  I may hear from many that they were blessed by the skit; but those “behind-the-scenes” workers may never hear those praises.  So if I don’t express appreciation to them, who will?

Expressing thanks requires a relatively small effort, yet it can reap big benefits within the ministry.  It can let someone know that they are part of a team, that God has used them and their gifts to bless the body, and encourage them to step out to serve when another opportunity comes their way at another time.

Posted in: Little Things Make a Big Difference!, Realities of Ministry

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Back in the Saddle Again!

After a month-long hiatus for the holidays and some overseas travel….we’re home–and eager to “get back in the saddle!”   You can expect regular posts to resume next week.

We want to take this opportunity to encourage you to “subscribe” by signing up to receive email updates from  When you sign up (top right corner of website), you will receive email updates whenever something new is posted on the website.  We are also eager to hear from you.  If you have any suggestion for the website, or any question regarding the content, please leave a comment or send us a message via the “contact” page info.

Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning

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Setting the Stage

Our 2010 retreat theme was “Every Good and Perfect Gift.”  We used many beautifully wrapped gifts with silver ribbons to decorate.  We had these presents lining the hallway to the meeting room and throughout the meeting room.  But the most important decorating area is the stage, since our ladies’ attention is focused on the stage and podium area during most of the retreat.  As you can see, we had a large laminated poster with the theme in clear view, and the front of the stage was decorated with the wrapped gifts.

Each year, the decorating focuses on the registration area and this stage area.  The decorations are a visual reminder of the theme of the retreat.

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