Posted by Debby on February 17, 2011
The Privilege (Lessons from the Heart of a Shepherdess) was written by Kay Smith, wife of Pastor Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. This book was written specifically for women in ministry. Kay Smith has a heart for pastors’ wives and women in leadership, and has ministered to them through pastors’ wives’ conferences over the years. This books is a compilation of many of her teachings to women in ministry over the years. If you ever had the opportunity to hear her share at one of these conferences, you will recognize many of the exhortations and encouragements shared in this book.
This is a very precious book, coming from someone who has spent years in the ministry. She regards the ministry as a privilege, and says “I praise God that He would ever account me worthy of the privilege of touching lives and influencing people toward Him.” Yet, having been in the ministry over 50 years, she is very much aware of the difficulties encountered in the ministry. She is brutally honest as she shares her trials and difficulties, her mistakes and victories in the ministry. She describes this ministry as that of a “shepherdess,” one who has been asked to nurture and feed sheep. But the sheep are often wayward, mean and hurtful, and don’t always appreciate our efforts. We all have choices. If you are in the ministry, either by your own choice, or by virtue of having married a man now called to the ministry, the question Kay asks is “What are you going to do with this ministry God has entrusted to you?”
Kay sums up the book by the following exhortations: Love the Lord, love your husband, love your children and love the people. As you would expect, she stresses your time with the Lord, in the Word and in prayer–important for all of us, but essential for women who are serving in the ministry. She reminds us that while we may have positions of ministry in the church, we are first of all handmaidens of the Lord, and we shouldn’t question what God allows into our lives, whether that be detours, disappointment or difficult people. We need balance and direction from the Lord, and we need to makes sure that our labor is in the Lord. She exhorts women in ministry through chapters on a teachable heart, brokenness, guidance and love.
While most of Kay’s personal examples are geared toward pastors’ wives, we can all relate to her responses. She is very honest about her struggles in the flesh, and so encouraging as she relates how the Lord has ministered to her specifically in each circumstance.
I would recommend this book to any woman who is serving in ministry, whether or not your husband is in the ministry. The issues she brings up are issues that we all face. She will inspire you to walk in love and talk in love and live in a way that the ones God has entrusted to you know His love from your life. She is convinced that the most meaningful way to live your life is in dedicated service to the Lord, and living a life that counts for eternity. She convinces her readers of that also!