“A Picture is Worth…”
Our next few posts will be dedicated to the task of finding the perfect artwork or graphic for your event…not the easiest task, but important, none the less. The artwork or graphics used for your event or retreat can be the thread that ties everything to your theme. The image you select will not only be used on booklets, name tags, and other handouts at the retreat. It can also used on flyers, signage and other promotional material. Often, your graphic will be the inspiration of your decorations. The image speaks volumes on its own and helps to develop the theme of the event.
Choosing a graphic is usually something that happens after prayerful consideration of the event theme. Sometimes the Lord will put a picture on your heart, or the theme itself suggests a picture. For instance, the theme for our retreat based on James 1:17 was “Every Good and Perfect Gift” and we found a graphic picturing a single box wrapped with a bow. The graphic was used on our name tags, booklets, the registration form and other promotional material. Decorations for the retreat were large wrapped presents all around the room. No one left that retreat without the visual memory of a beautifully wrapped present symbolizing that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights.
Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning
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