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Free Time Activities

Free time must be built into your retreat schedule.  Don’t fill your schedule with teachings–everyone needs some time to relax.  Some of your ladies know exactly what they want to do with a spare moment:  take a nap!  But for others, free time may be be another reminder that they have no special friends to “hang with” at the retreat.  Why not plan some free time events?  That way, if someone is alone and bored, it is their own choice.

Here are some suggestions:

  • A prayer meeting
  • Scheduled shopping with a group if there is shopping nearby
  • Game room
  • Activities available at the hotel, camp or resort where you or staying
  • A hike
  • Fitness class
  • Craft class of some sort

In some cases, you may need to secure space where the event can be held, purchase some craft supplies, or borrow some games.  But free time activities can be wonderful fellowship opportunities where ladies can meet other women with similar interests.

Yes, you will need to put people in charge of the various activities.  Heading up free time activities can be a great proving ground for those women that you may be considering for leadership.  Someone who would not want to lead a Bible study may feel very comfortable leading a fitness class,  or being in charge of a game room.  Drawing women into fellowship, making them feel comfortable, introducing them to others–women with those gifts can fill these positions superbly.

Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning

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Just Another Time Slot on Your Busy Schedule?

When the Bible tells us about Mary and Martha in Luke 10, it says that Martha was “cumbered about much serving.”  “Cumbered about” means drawn away, distracted and over-occupied.  Jesus described Martha as “careful and troubled about many things.”  Martha was busy.  She was over-booked, distracted, and troubled.  Mary recognized that the most needful thing in her schedule was sitting at Jesus’ feet and hearing His Word.  One thing we learn from this story is that what we do with Jesus is far more important than what we do for Jesus.

Sometimes in our busyness we can neglect our relationship with the Lord.  Serving can be an act of worship–or it can be just another part of our busy schedule.  It all depends on our heart.

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A Clever Remembrance

This was not our own idea, but it is so clever that I think it is worth sharing with the world.  These remembrances were given at a retreat that I attended.  The theme of the retreat had to do with a journey.  This little “traveling bag” would be suitable for any retreat theme revolving around travel or our journey in the Christian walk.

If you think you recognize the basics, you probably do.  It is made from an Altoids tin and a half-ring.  The tin appears to be covered with a wood-grain contac paper, and black (vinyl or electrical) tape outlines it.  The tape is also used to attach the metal half-ring as the “handle.”  Travel destination stickers were cut out and glued on to add authenticity.  As a special bonus to the attendees, the Altoids tin was full, but that does not need to be the case.

If we had made these as a remembrance for one of our retreats, we would have had the name of our retreat, date, and retreat theme scripture printed somewhere on these mini-traveling bags.

Posted in: Retreat Remembrances

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A Life Ring Remembrance

This is an example of a remembrance we made for one of our retreats.  The specific theme was “His Wonders in the Deep”  (from Ps. 107:23-24), but it would work for any water-related theme.  Per person, it was very cost-effective–for our group, it was less than 50 cents per person.

Supplies required:

  • Small wooden craft ring–outside diameter 2-1/2″
  • Red, blue and/or yellow 1/2″ vinyl or PVC electrical tape (see photo)
  • Light braided string/rope
  • White cardstock, printed and then cut to fit circle
  • Gold thread

The pictures are fairly self-explanatory.  The light rope is attached to the ring by wrapping it with tape in four places. Be sure that one of the places where the tape is used covers the two ends of the rope.  The gold thread is used to be a hanger, which you can barely see at the top of the photo on the left.  The cardstock is printed so that it can be cut in 2-1/4″ circles.  We like to have the theme of the retreat and/or the theme verse on each remembrance, at the very least.  The example above has the retreat theme, the reference for the theme verse, and the year of the retreat printed on it. These circles were then glued to the back of the ring.  We used this as a remembrance for our retreat theme “His Wonders in the Deep” from Psalm 107:23-24.

Posted in: Money-Saving Tips, Retreat Remembrances

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Running to Win

More than once in the Old Testament,the Bible sums up the leadership of various kings with a declaration such as “he did what was good in the sight of the Lord” or “he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.”  Those descriptions seem vague at best, and leave much to the imagination.  Does the sum total of a leader’s reign boil down to the pronouncement “good king” or “bad king”?

However, there are places where scripture expounds more fully.  For instance,  II Chronicles 26:5 says of King Uzziah that “as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.”  II Chronicles 31:21 says of King Hezekiah that in every work he sought the Lord and “he did it with all his heart.  So he prospered.”   God prospered those leaders who sought to do God’s will with their whole hearts.  It seems like the Bible is saying that when a leader has the determination, courage, and passion to seek God with his whole heart, God sees and rewards him.

One particularly convicting evaluation is found in II Chronicles 25:2, where King’s Amaziah’s leadership was described: “He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a loyal (whole, perfect) heart.”  We have all been guilty of doing a half-hearted job of serving others, with a less than perfect attitude.  This should not satisfy us, and we know it doesn’t please God.

I Corinthians 9:24 says “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain [it].”  Doing God’s will wholeheartedly is not a casual, take it or leave it, “just-glad-I-finished-the-race” attitude.  This is a pressing forward to serve God  in such a way that the prize is won. As women’s leaders, we shouldn’t be satisfied to just get the job done.  We would be wise to serve God with a determination and passion, and to seek God with our whole heart.  God notices, and He rewards it.

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