Free Time Activities
Free time must be built into your retreat schedule. Don’t fill your schedule with teachings–everyone needs some time to relax. Some of your ladies know exactly what they want to do with a spare moment: take a nap! But for others, free time may be be another reminder that they have no special friends to “hang with” at the retreat. Why not plan some free time events? That way, if someone is alone and bored, it is their own choice.
Here are some suggestions:
- A prayer meeting
- Scheduled shopping with a group if there is shopping nearby
- Game room
- Activities available at the hotel, camp or resort where you or staying
- A hike
- Fitness class
- Craft class of some sort
In some cases, you may need to secure space where the event can be held, purchase some craft supplies, or borrow some games. But free time activities can be wonderful fellowship opportunities where ladies can meet other women with similar interests.
Yes, you will need to put people in charge of the various activities. Heading up free time activities can be a great proving ground for those women that you may be considering for leadership. Someone who would not want to lead a Bible study may feel very comfortable leading a fitness class, or being in charge of a game room. Drawing women into fellowship, making them feel comfortable, introducing them to others–women with those gifts can fill these positions superbly.
Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning
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