Blog - Page 41 of 65 - Retreat-in-a-Bag 41


Imitate Me!

People use many methods to broadcast their message to the world.  Some wear a button or adhere a bumper sticker to their car.  Others wear a message emblazend across their t-shirt.  Now we even see messages tatooed on bodies.  What message would you like to broadcast?

I am amazed at the boldness of Paul’s statement in I Corinthians 11:1 which says “Imitate me, just as I also [imitate] Christ.”  Would I wear a T-shirt with that statement?  Could I say that?  Imagine a button proclaiming “Do what I do, because I am following Jesus!”  Could I, even on my best day, wear that button?  Whew!  I think it would be hard to wear that button, since I know my attitudes, weaknesses and failures.  Or maybe wearing that button would motivate me, being a reminder that there are always those who are watching my example.

If people imitated you, would the world see Jesus?

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Cut the Cost of Your Retreat

Okay–of course you would like to plan a two-night women’s retreat as opposed to a one-night retreat.  But the cost can be prohibitive.  Adding that extra night and several extra meals at a hotel or retreat center can double the cost.  So how can we cut corners to make that two-night retreat possible?

Cutting costs for lodging:  Allowing four ladies to a room (having two queen-sized beds) is the best cost-cutter we have for lodging in a hotel, and that only cuts about $20 per person off the retreat cost for a two-night retreat.  Other retreat locations may afford other lower cost lodging options to explore (for instance, bunk beds in a large room).

Cutting costs for meals:  Our most recent cost-cutting measure?  Don’t provide the lunch on Saturday.  At a hotel, this saves about $20 per attendee.  Give your ladies the option of going out for lunch (this only works in a city setting) or bringing something with them to snack on. It may add a little inconvenience, but we haven’t had any complaints!



Posted in: Money-Saving Tips, Retreat and Event Planning

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The Case for a Waiting List

Our Rule

With a very few exceptions, IF you have registered for the retreat and have to cancel after the registration deadline, you do not get your money back.

Unfortunate Truth

There will still be ladies who can’t attend because something comes up at the last minute.  Often, this type of cancellation happens the week of the retreat.  It is sad, because we are then left with an opening, fully paid for, which may go unfilled.

The Waiting List

Encourage women who are unable to afford the cost of the retreat or women who, for whatever reason, missed your registration deadline to be on the waiting list.  By keeping a waiting list, we have a list of women to call who may be able to come if someone cancels at the last minute, using that fully-paid-for registration.



Posted in: Registration, Retreat and Event Planning

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Rooming for your “Problem Child”

The retreat registration card for our retreats gives room for women to designate their preferred roommate.  We have addressed the further issues that are faced when women will share a bed in a “four-per-room” option here.  As much as possible, we ask women to designate their roommates to make retreat room assignments as easy as possible.

However, on rare occasions, we end up with individual who, for one reason or another, is unable to come up with a roommate to list on her registration card.  Possibly she is new to the church and doesn’t know the other women, or the women they do know have already designated their roommate preference.  Possibly she is just one of those difficult people.

Look for those special women in your women’s ministry–those who are  mature in the Lord, tolerant, full of grace, and who love to reach out to women and minister to them.  Ask these ladies to prayerfully consider being available to be a roommate at the retreat for one of these new or hard-to-place women.

Posted in: Registration, Retreat and Event Planning, Rooming Issues

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Be an Ambassador!

“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.”                 

In II Corinthians 5:20 Paul says that we are to be ambassadors for Christ.  .  What is an ambassador?  An ambassador lives and serves in a country that is not his home.  An ambassador is an official messenger who speaks on behalf of his government or sovereign.  An ambassador is sent to build bridges of communication between his home country and those he serves.

While Paul is not speaking specifically to leaders, those of us within the women’s leadership should take this calling seriously.  As His ambassador, are we speaking His words, a living a life representative of His kingdom? Are we honest in our relationships, loving with His agape love?  Are we building bridges of communication between God and those we serve?

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