Blog - Page 35 of 65 - Retreat-in-a-Bag 35


The Budget

As discussed in our previous blog, the budget is determined from the numbers used to determine your retreat price per person.  Having no budget money for the retreat may seem very limiting; however, God can do amazing things when we come to Him with our need.

The leader in charge of remembrance gifts has her budgeted amount per person that she can spend.  While $1 seems small,you can easily make a magnet for each lady to take home, as well as a bookmark. We have budgeted anywhere for $1 to $10 for the remembrance gift over the years.

The decorating allowance may seem low, but don’t underestimate the creativity and ingenuity of your women! Decorations can be minimalized by concentrating on focal point decorating. We also rely on borrowed items to complete our theme-related decorating–items that someone has in their home and allows us to use for the retreat.  Another option is to purchase decor which is then made available to your women to be purchased at the end of the retreat.

One of the main purposes of our website at is to encourage women’s ministries to find creative ways to work within their budgetary limitations.  Remember, God does not need to work within a budget!



Posted in: Decorations, Money-Saving Tips, Retreat and Event Planning, Retreat Remembrances, Starting Points in Retreat Planning

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What’s the Price? (Part 2)

Let’s pursue what we talked about in Part 1.   Let’s say you have your contract with the venue in hand, and you have determined the baseline cost per person, depending on room occupancy.  You are hoping for 50 women to attend.  The contracted room price is $80 per night, $160 for two nights.  This is divided by the number of ladies in each room.  Additionally, the meal price is $60 per person for 4 meals.  **In this example, the room price includes the 7% city tax you pay even if you are exempt of state tax.  Meal prices are inclusive of all service charges:

  • One-per-room = $160 plus meals ($60) – $220  **Guest speaker would be offered a private room
  • Two-per-room = $80 each plus meals ($60/each)  =  $140 per person
  • Three-per-room = $55 each plus meals ($60 each) = $115 per person
  • Four-per-room = $40 each plus meals ($60 each) = $100 each

How do you come up with the actual cost of registration?  All other retreat costs will be estimated and divided by your projected number of women attending (50):

  • Guest speaker travel (local – possibly gas and to meals ($80), private room and meals ($220), honorarium ($400) = $14/person
  • Promotion,booklets, nametags ($200) = $4/per person
  • Remembrance gift ($50) = $1/per person
  • Decorations ($50) = $1/person
  • Built-in expenses ($250) = $5/person

How do you come up with the actual cost of registration? Actual cost for each person would then be figured at the base cost of the retreat plus $25/person.

  • Two-per-room = $140 + $25 = $165
  • Three-per-room = $115 + $25 = $140
  • Four-per-room = $100 + $25 = $125

If you do not have any budget money to work with and the retreat is totally self-supporting, you now have your budget for guest speaker, booklets, name tags, remembrance gifts and decorations. If more than your budgeted number of people attend, then you find yourself flowing in the black, which is a good place to be on the balance sheet!



Posted in: Money-Saving Tips, Registration, Retreat and Event Planning, Starting Points in Retreat Planning

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What’s the Price? (Part 1)

What to charge for your event? That is the question.  And it is never a simple answer, primarily because we have to set the price before we know the exact number of women who will attend.  Our price is based on our best guesstimate of the number of women coming.

We begin with the biggest expense–the venue and meals.  If this is a hotel, you have probably contracted a price based on room occupancy (if you are staying overnight), the meeting room and then a price for the number and kind of meals that you want during your event.  Full breakfasts cost more than continental breakfasts; buffets may be more expensive than plate meals. Remember, meals can be an area where you have some flexibility in cutting the cost of a retreat.  Both of these prices (rooms/meals) are based on your projected number (of rooms/people).  If you are needing extra meeting rooms, that increases your costs, and there may also be additional charges for equipment and special set up requests.

Once meal choices have been made, the only variable in the base cost of your retreat is how many people room together.  In our case, we have a price for 2-per-room, 3-per room and 4-per room (which is the maximum per room, normally).  This price includes the meals.  Any additional entertainment (such as horse-back riding at a camp) would be an individual choice, and not included in the price of the retreat.

The following expenses may also need to be considered; divide the total cost by the number of expected attendees to determine the cost per person:

These costs are estimated at a per person cost, and added to the base cost of the event to determine the amount charged for the retreat.  We will look at this further next week.  Finally, these numbers are also used to provide a budget for the retreat.  We’ll explain that further in two weeks.



Posted in: Money-Saving Tips, Registration, Retreat and Event Planning, Starting Points in Retreat Planning

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Let’s Talk $$

For the next month, our weekly posts will concern money matters.  And money does matter, especially if you are the women’s ministry in a smaller church with a tight budget.  Often, there is no extra money in the budget for women’s ministry, so all of our activities need to be self-supporting–meaning that we need to bring in enough from the event to fully pay for the expenses of the event.  And that can be tricky at times.

As we plan a retreat, a luncheon or other event, we need to estimate, as accurately as possible, the number of women who will attend the event. This will enable us to create a budget  that will balance in the end. IT IS ALWAYS SAFER TO UNDER-ESTIMATE!  It will mean smaller budget numbers, but hopefully keep you from ending up in the red.

Even when we underestimate, leaders can find themselves anxious that even that number of women won’t attend because ladies are waiting until the final minutes to sign up.  Consider this option for encouraging early sign up!

Posted in: Money-Saving Tips, Registration, Retreat and Event Planning, Starting Points in Retreat Planning

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It’s Almost December!

We’re already in December, that time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  You may be very busy with some kind of Christmas outreach for your women. We have found early December to be a perfect time for a women’s event to “prepare our hearts for Christmas” and as an outreach to women outside the church.  Somehow Christmas events seem less imposing for a visitor, and we see family members who won’t come to a church service or a women’s retreat will come to a Christmas event.  Our Christmas women’s events have varied over the years.  We try to keep the price down as much as possible.  Here are some of our ideas:

  • A Christmas dinner, catered at a restaurant or venue and a program
  • A Christmas dinner, hosted in our own fellowship hall where we have women who decorate their own table using their own tablecloths, china, silverware and glassware–and a program
  • A Christmas dessert (which can include a program or a Christmas devotion)
  • A Christmas cookie or candy (with recipes) exchange–and a Christmas devotion
  • A gift exchange (under $5) or a “white elephant” gift exchange–and a Christmas devotion
It may not be too late to plan one of the above!


Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning

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