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Make That a Double!

Super-sized fries, double burgers, big gulps, double-stuf oreos…we are a generation of bigger is better…

In I Timothy 5:17,  Paul says “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of DOUBLE honor, especially those who labor in the Word and doctrine.”  The word translated “honor” here can mean either “esteem” or  “the value by which a price is fixed.”  In context, Paul is seems to be referring to their financial support or salary.  However, it may also mean double honor in the sense of recognition and esteem.

Paul had previously said that we should render honor to whom honor is due.  The principle he is expressing here in Timothy reminds us that while we are to extend honor and grace to others around us, we should be extending DOUBLE honor and grace to our leaders who rule well.

Think of those in leadership over you.  As leaders and workers in women’s ministry, we often work closely with those in authority over us.  Because of that, we are more likely to see their weak areas and their “feet of clay.”  How easy it is to be critical and to hold them to standards that we ourselves could never attain.

But we are also more likely to be the ones who see first-hand the sacrifices that they make to serve the body of Christ.  If you have a leader who “rules well” you can be assured that they are paying a price to serve in that capacity.  Count them worthy of DOUBLE honor.

Posted in: Inspirations, Realities of Ministry

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A New Year – 2013

The time has again rolled around where we take stock of our lives and possibly set goals for the year ahead.  This may also be a good time for your women’s ministry to take stock of the prior year and prayerfully consider the new year ahead.  Since it appears that we are nearing the “last days,” our goal should be to make this year count in our women’s ministries–to reach as many women as we can, to serve our women, to minister to those who are hurting and to provide opportunities for our women to grow in the Lord through Bible study, fellowship and serving.

Begin praying for your women’s ministry and any events that you are considering for this new year. Have your leaders read an inspiring book on ministry (  Take your 2013 calendar and have a prayerful brain-storming session.  Discuss your options for ministering to women this year.  Be open to new ideas and new direction.

May 2013 be a year of endless possibilities to serve your women!

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Stick to your Guns!

Your retreat information is printed and the retreat price is settled and written in black and white.  Registration for the retreat is open.  Done deal, correct?

Unfortunately, no.  Now a new discussion begins….   This is a test of your flexibility…and your patience.

“What if I just come for the day, and don’t stay the night(s) in the hotel?” ” What if I leave early?”  “What if I bring my own special meals?” “What if I will have to leave one evening and miss a meal?”   CAN YOU LOWER MY PRICE?

It is good to decide ahead of time if you can allow any flexibility in pricing your event.  If there is flexibility, we suggest putting that choice on your registration form.  Many times, your venue is not flexible, and that easily settles the matter.  Our choice is to not allow much, if any, flexibility.  If someone can only attend one night of a two-night retreat, her cost remains the same–because the basic retreat cost was figured on the full amount being paid.  While some may have legitimate excuses, lowering the price for one leads to more people with more reasons that their costs should be lowered.  Our suggestion to you:  STICK TO YOUR GUNS!  THE PRICE IS FIRM!

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That Thread of Continuity

Once you have decided upon a theme for your event, you can then choose or commission artwork and make decisions about decorations and gift (remembrance gift) ideas.  Having the theme evident in every part of the retreat brings a cohesiveness and continuity that your women will appreciate, although they may not be able to single out anything particular that bound it all toegether.  Like the spokes of a tire bound by the rim and attached to the hub, the session titles, the retreat booklet, the skit, the quiet time study, the decorations and even the worship songs can reflect the theme and unify your retreat.  It may even be carried out in what your leaders wear.  I remember one event built around a sailing theme.  All the speakers wore a sailor’s cap and striped top.

Every aspect of the retreat or event should communicate the message that you want to get across.  When I think of our retreats over the past twenty-five years, I don’t necessarily remember the individual guest speakers, although so many of them were wonderful. But I see a bookmark or a remembrance–and I remember the theme and message of the event.

This is where the Retreat-in-a-Bag Series can be helpful.  Each book is centered on a theme, with artwork, a quiet time study, skit, decoration ideas, remembrance gift ideas and teaching titles that convey the theme.

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Gifted to be Used

As our women’s ministry leadership has grown, we have women with varying talents, skills and gifts.  When we were very small, we had to do everything–whether it was in our comfort zone or not.  Now that we have nine women on our leadership team, we are able to distribute ministry tasks according to those whose gifts are best suited to the task.  This means that I am never assigned to be in charge of decorations!

This doesn’t mean that everything we do is in our comfort zone.  God wants to stretch us, and gives us tasks that seem beyond our human capability.  He wants us to depend on Him.  But if we can use our God-given and unique skills as well as gifts given by the Holy Spirit that are to be used to bless the body of Christ, it seems like that would be the most efficient planning.

Consider the women who are in your women’s ministry leadership, and/or those faithful women whom you are raising up to be in leadership:

  • Do you have musicians?  Do you have artists?
  • Do you have sound technicians, or those who would be interested to learn?
  • Do you have those who can counsel women/confront difficult people?
  • Do you have those who have the gift of administration?
  • Do you have those who just love to be there to help?
  • Do you have those who love to decorate?
  • Do you have “computer geeks?”
  • Do you have those who have a gift of making people feel comfortable?
  • Do you have teachers?
  • Do you have encouragers?
  • Do you have women who love to share the gospel?

What a blessing these women can be to your women’s ministry.  Use your women efficiently!



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