Make That a Double!
Super-sized fries, double burgers, big gulps, double-stuf oreos…we are a generation of bigger is better…
In I Timothy 5:17, Paul says “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of DOUBLE honor, especially those who labor in the Word and doctrine.” The word translated “honor” here can mean either “esteem” or “the value by which a price is fixed.” In context, Paul is seems to be referring to their financial support or salary. However, it may also mean double honor in the sense of recognition and esteem.
Paul had previously said that we should render honor to whom honor is due. The principle he is expressing here in Timothy reminds us that while we are to extend honor and grace to others around us, we should be extending DOUBLE honor and grace to our leaders who rule well.
Think of those in leadership over you. As leaders and workers in women’s ministry, we often work closely with those in authority over us. Because of that, we are more likely to see their weak areas and their “feet of clay.” How easy it is to be critical and to hold them to standards that we ourselves could never attain.
But we are also more likely to be the ones who see first-hand the sacrifices that they make to serve the body of Christ. If you have a leader who “rules well” you can be assured that they are paying a price to serve in that capacity. Count them worthy of DOUBLE honor.
Posted in: Inspirations, Realities of Ministry
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