Posted by Debby on February 6, 2013
My friend, Tami, shared with me the insights God has given her in the midst of her struggles with setting ministry priorities.
She describes her brain as one that “takes the scripture verse ‘Here I am, send me’ (Isaiah 6:8) to the extreme”–which can be both a blessing and a curse at times. Regarding ministry opportunities, she is always thinking, planning and pondering possible events, activities, book studies, parties, etc.–any idea that will further the kingdom of God. It is humanly impossible to pursue all of her ideas. So where does God want her to serve NOW? How can she best use her time and abilities? Perhaps you can identify with her challenge–seeing so many needs and opportunities for ministry and not sure which one(s) to pursue.
After writing down all the possible ministry ideas that had been overwhelming her, Tami looked at the very full page and wondered if they were her ideas–or God’s. How did God want to use her?
As she prayed over her page of ideas, God spoke to her heart, saying, “Let’s go fishing.” This was a puzzling answer, considering that she has never liked fishing, hates putting worms on hooks, doesn’t have the patience to wait for a nibble, and if she were to catch something, she doesn’t even want to touch the slimy fish. So what was the Lord saying to her with this fishing illustration?
God said to her, “When you go fishing, sometimes you catch these beautiful little fish and they are just too young to keep. So you release them back in the water to allow them to develop more. Maybe they will be the right size next time you catch them. Sometimes you catch these huge fish that nearly break your line and pull you under because they are just too big for you right now, so you let those go. But sometimes when you go fishing, you catch the perfect size fish for you, and it reels in easily. That is the one you take home.”
“Those little fish represent those beautiful ideas and plans you have that need more prayer and time to develop before you can pursue them My way. The huge fish represent those ideas and plans that you are not ready for yet. These are best put on hold until I give you more experience, more patience or just more of Me. The perfect size fish are those ideas and plans I have prepared for you now, where you are in your walk with Me.”
Let God take you fishing. Let Him help you sort through all those possibilities for those opportunities that are right for you. Our God is full of creative ministry ideas, ideas which will be perfect if done His way and according to His timing. Wait for His timing and direction, and avoid the frustration that striving in the flesh brings. As Proverbs 19:21 says “There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless, the Lord’s counsel–that will stand.”