Communion at a Retreat
One of the final elements of any of our women’s retreats is communion. Besides providing another opportunity for the Lord to speak individually to our ladies, it can be a time of commitment and moving key lessons from the retreat from their mind to their heart. We like to schedule communion at the end of the retreat to give ladies that one last opportunity to be quiet before the Lord and hear from Him. It is a quiet time of reverent worship before the Lord.
One of our women’s leaders is in charge of communion at the retreat. She is responsible for making sure all supplies are purchased and taken to the retreat, as well as finding those ladies who will help fill the communion cups and pass out communion. Normally, one of the leaders will be assigned to do a short communion devotion, reminding women of Paul’s guidelines to partaking in the Lord’s Supper in I Cor. 11:23-30.
Hopefully, all those things that the Lord has been speaking to our ladies during the retreat will be solidified in their hearts as they humble themselves before the Lord at communion–before they head back out into the world and into their busy lives. Don’t neglect providing communion at your retreat!