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Whom Shall I Fear?

target on backSometimes, you may feel that being in ministry has put a target on your back.  The enemy seems to save his nastiest attacks for those in ministry (as well as their families and marriages).  Being visible as a leader makes you especially vulnerable to false accusations, hurtful comments, gossip and outright antagonism from those outside as well as inside the church.  Our pastor’s wife, Denise, shared that one of the issues we may face as women in ministry is fear.

Do you fear the enemy?  Do you fear some of those people that you are called to serve?  Our pastor rightfully says that “sheep can bite,” and we all know that those “bites” from those we serve are particularly hurtful.  In Psalm 27:1, David says “The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life.  Of whom shall I be afraid?”  God is our Protector and our Strength.  God says in Isaiah 54:17 “‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,’ says the Lord.”



Posted in: Inspirations, News & Information, Realities of Ministry

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Using Pinterest

All the new social media options can be overwhelming and confusing–as well as time-consuming!  However, I want to mention that Pinterest can be a creative resource for events and retreats. For those of you familiar with Pinterest, you know it to be a source of millions of recipes, as well as creative ideas culled from the web about every topic imaginable–crafts, children’s activities, fashion, landscaping, and home decorating, to name a few.  But one way I have found it helpful (once you have jointed Pinterest) is to do a search of either your theme or just “retreats” or “women’s ministry” in general.  Many women have created boards of ministry ideas, and some can contain very helpful ideas, easily adapted to your needs.

For example, we recently had a women’s event themed “From Lemons to Lemonade.”  The theme scripture was Romans 8:28.  I searched “lemons” on Pinterest, and found a wealth of decorating ideas, centerpiece ideas, graphics and recipes that were helpful.

Posted in: Decorations, Money-Saving Tips, News & Information, Resources, Retreat and Event Planning, Retreat Remembrances

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Praying for One Another

images-1A primary ministry at our retreats should be making prayer available for those who need someone to pray with them. Our retreats should be a place where women feel comfortable asking for prayer.  The Bible clearly states that we should “pray one for another that you may be healed” (James 5:16b).  Our leaders, as well as other mature women should be on the lookout for those women who perhaps look upset, needing personal prayer. But we all know that women are very good at hiding their true needs.  So we also provide  opportunities during the retreat where women can go to specifically ask for prayer.  One is normally in the evening, during a time of worship and waiting on the Lord, where we have women available to pray. We normally have prayer circles set up around the room where a woman can go to ask privately for prayer.  Sometimes the semi-darkness of the evening makes asking for prayer easier.  But we have done similar set-ups during the day, where women are invited to go to a specified room at a certain time where women are available to pray with them, and we always have a response.

Posted in: Ingredients for a Great Retreat, Ministry at the Retreat, News & Information, Retreat and Event Planning, Starting Points in Retreat Planning

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Incorporating Prayer into Your Retreat

Prayer_an-invitation-to-prayerPrayer is a most important ingredient of your retreat, during the planning stages as well as before, during and after the retreat or event itself.  If given the opportunity to participate in prayer before and during the retreat, we have found that there will be a core of women who will gladly participate.  We have promises from His Word that God answers prayer where “two or more are gathered together” and pray in agreement.  And keeping in mind that the enemy is also lurking at our retreat, prayer is an essential weapon in that warfare.  I’m sure I don’t need to say anything further about the absolute necessity of prayer.  But how can you incorporate it into your retreat?

Please note that each of these suggestions requires that a leader to be in charge and guiding it.

Before the retreat, we designate at least one time (usually before or after a service or study at church) where we pray specifically for the retreat.  At this meeting, we have specific areas for the ladies to pray about:  pray for the speaker, pray for the worship team, pray for distractions that the enemy would try to cause, etc.  And by that time we should have an almost final list of those who have registered, so we pray for each woman by name.

At the retreat, we schedule a prayer time before breakfast.  We probably lose some of those women who are not early risers, but gain others who are up early.  Usually this is a guided prayer time, where we pray for the events of the day, from fellowship time, to sessions and activities.

Another way we have incorporated prayer into a retreat is to schedule a “prayer walk” as a free time activity.  Some of your ladies might find this an invigorating activity after hours of sitting.  The way these are conducted varies, and you can google “prayer walk” for various options. We would simple determine a walking path, and set up prayer stops along the way. At each stop, a brief explanation or teaching was followed by directed prayer. This was repeated at each stop along the path.


Posted in: Ingredients for a Great Retreat, Ministry at the Retreat, News & Information, Retreat and Event Planning

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A Favorite

Heart_TransplantWe just added a new skit for free download called “Heart Transplant.”  If you haven’t been to the website itself for a while, we have added several new free downloadable skits and graphics over the summer.  But “Heart Transplant” is actually one of my favorites, and we have used it in many different settings–from our women’s retreat to a youth mission’s trip.  Many of our skits are theme related, and this one was, too–originally.  Our retreat theme was “Hearts Entwined with His” and the graphic for that retreat is also available on the website (under “resources”→”graphics”).  However, this particular skit is something that could be added to any retreat or event.  Its themes of salvation and transformation can be used with any Christian retreat, and applies to any salvation message.  Check it out!  Find it on the home page under “Latest Free Downloads.”

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