Posted by Debby on June 10, 2014
We just held our spring women’s event. It was a dessert for women, ages 10 and up. I thought I would share a little bit with you, as the theme, “Singing in the Rain,” was such fun, and would easily work for any event, including a retreat.
It was a theme we had seen somewhere online…we didn’t come up with it all by ourselves. But what a great theme! Doesn’t the Bible encourage us to “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!”? There are so many potential theme verses, including Habakkuk 3:17-18 which basically says that even if everything is going wrong in our lives, YET we can choose to rejoice in the Lord.
Our schedule included showing a YouTube video of the song as performed by Gene Kelly in the 1952 movie of the same name. We wrote a short skit for the occasion (check out our new downloadable skit here) and a devotional teaching.
The decorations were such fun. We collected umbrellas and rain boots from our women for use in decorations. “Raindrops” made of beads and/or tissue paper were hung from the umbrellas. Rain boots were used on the tables with flowers and tissue paper. Other additions included ribbon preprinted with music on it, as well as musical symbols that you can barely see hanging from the umbrellas. The pictures below give you an idea of what our simple decor looked like; in person, the decor was much more dramatic…Or at least we thought so!
For the final added touch, the Lord brought a light shower that evening, to make certain that we were “singing in the rain.”