Blog - Page 14 of 65 - Retreat-in-a-Bag 14


Ways to Let Your Women Know that You Care

Blue-Logo-150x1504They say “the squeaky wheel gets the grease;” there are those women who demand our attention, and we can’t help but give it to them.  But how about those women who do not “demand” our time and attention?  We can’t assume that they don’t have pressing needs as well.  We need to find ways to show all of our women that we care for them.

Sometimes it is easy to get so involved in the group “women’s ministry” that we neglect the women’s ministry on a personal level.  Here are a few suggestions:

1.  In my opinion, the hand-written note really can’t be replaced.  Even though we are living in the social media/email generation, there is still a place for the note that arrives by snail-mail.  Just an encouraging verse or a simple “I missed you last week” shows that your care.  What better use of fifty cents?

2.  Just because I’m partial to the hand-written note doesn’t mean that a quick phone call, text or email isn’t meaningful.

3.  Keep their prayer requests close to your heart, and follow up with them.

4.  Take time to really listen. If this is hard, as it can be during a group meeting, pull them away privately after the session.

5.  Be liberal with your hugs.  A loving touch can go a long way to express your love.

Posted in: Lessons Learned, Little Things Make a Big Difference!, Ministry at the Retreat, News & Information

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Guest Speakers (That’s Plural)

Press conference. Microphones isolated on white background

Have you ever had an event with more than one guest speaker?  How can it work?

We have…and, in fact, our most recent retreat had four different speakers.  Actually, it was a decision borne out of much prayer. There were four teaching sessions at the retreat, each a different aspect of our main theme.  Each was taught by a different pastor’s wife.  We asked three pastor’s wives, whose women have joined us at our past retreats, to assist our pastor’s wife with the speaking responsibilities.

Probably the biggest challenge in having more than one guest speaker was communicating with each one regarding the topic she would be speaking on.  How do we make sure that they are all on the same page as to the theme of the event and that the sessions flow together, while at the same time trying to keep them from stepping on one another’s toes in their teachings?

Our solution was to make up a very general outline of the four sessions of the retreat, being very specific about how the sessions were differentiated.  The outline included each topic, its title, a few short sentences about each topic and suggested scriptures.  This way, as they prayerfully considered their individual topic, they also had before them an outline of all topics and a short summary of the direction given to the other speakers. We did not tell them what to say; we just gave them a guide to make sure that they were aware of the parameters given to each speaker.  And, of course, we kept our speakers in prayer as they prepared for the retreat.

Ultimately, it is the Holy Spirit who brought unity and directed each teaching tocontribute to the overall theme of the retreat.

Posted in: Lessons Learned, News & Information, Retreat and Event Planning, Your Guest Speaker

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The Importance of Reflection, Part 2

Time For Reflection Message Means Ponder Or ReflectTwo weeks ago I mentioned that we schedule times of personal reflection during our retreat.  But, in addition, we have a time at the very end of the retreat that we call “Reflections.”  This is a time where we have the women consider what they have written down–how the Lord has spoken to their heart throughout the retreat.  It could be something directly from the teachings, but often God speaks personally to the women through quiet times, through prayer times, through promise scriptures, through worship and through communion.  We use this last hour of the retreat to give our women time to share with the whole group what God is doing in their lives, and how He has spoken to them.  This is a time to share what God has done.  I believe that sharing it both solidifies the truth for the one sharing,  but it also ministers to the group as they hear how God has worked so individually in their friends’ lives.

Of course, because we women like to talk, time to share has to be limited to two or three minutes so that no one woman monopolizes the time. It has always been a blessing to hear how God has spoken so individually and meaningfully to those who choose to share.

Posted in: Ingredients for a Great Retreat, Lessons Learned, Ministry at the Retreat, News & Information, Retreat and Event Planning

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Burdens? What Burdens?

gal6-2What burdens you? We have family cares and worries, jobs, health issues, heavy responsibilities, even bad habits and besetting sin that weigh us down.  One of the interesting things about the Christian life is what the Bible has to say about burdens.  We are to cast all of our burdens on Him, because He cares for us (I Peter 5:7).  If we are heavy-laden, Jesus tells us to come to Him and we’ll find rest because His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). He wants to carry our load for us.  We are told not to worry, but to pray, and He will give us peace (Philippians 4:6-7).  And of course, Hebrews 12:1-2 reminds us that we are to lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us so that we can run the race, unencumbered.  Sounds like God wants us free of any burdens that could overwhelm us and slow our progress.

Oops!  Not all burdens!  There is a burden we are to carry.  Galatians 6:1-2 reminds us of our responsibility toward others, to remind and restore those who do carry burdens.  And then?  “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” As Christian women, and in ministry, we need to be obedient in giving Him our burdens  so we are able to help our sisters with their burdens.


Posted in: Developing Leadership, Inspirations, News & Information

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The Importance of Reflection

Time For Reflection Message Means Ponder Or ReflectReflection…forming our thoughts after consideration.  I think we’ve forgotten how to do it, or perhaps I should say that we just don’t take the time to really reflect on how God is working in our lives. For me, the days when I take time to write in my journal are the exception. Sometimes reflection just takes place while driving.

However, reflection can and should be a priority an any retreat. We don’t just encourage it–we schedule it!  We begin during the first session of the retreat by asking our women to consider this question “What Do I Want from the Lord this Weekend?”  We give them time to search their hearts and write down what they are wanting from the Lord.  Perhaps they want revival in their heart; perhaps restoration or healing or rededication or redirection.  We come back to that question at the end of the retreat; we take time review our answer to that original question, and then answer the question “From all that I have heard, learned, meditated upon and experienced during this retreat, what do I feel is the most important thing that the Lord had for me this weekend?”

In addition to those reflection questions at the beginning and end of our retreat, there are other ways to includes moments for reflection in your retreat schedule.  We always schedule a quiet time where we encourage no talking, no TV or other activity–just God, their Bible and a directed quiet time study.  Another opportunity for reflection is immediately after the main teachings–have your women stay an extra five minutes to reflect on what they just heard and write down how God spoke to their heart.

Time for reflection is never wasted time.


Posted in: Ingredients for a Great Retreat, News & Information

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