
The Hotel Liaison – Authorized!

To add a little more about our “hotel liaison“:

One of the reasons it is wise to assign a person to this job is that those authorized to make decisions or bring complaints to hotel management should be limited.  This avoids the confusion caused by allowing anyone and everyone (all well-meaning, of course) to bring issues to hotel personnel.  Without a designated person authorized to speak for the group (normally our retreat coordinator and/or hotel liaison), you can end up, for instance, with women going to the front desk to complain that the room is too hot, while others are complaining that they are too cold.

The person authorized to be the “hotel liaison” needs to be introduced to your group, as well as to the hotel management.  Your women need to know that they are not authorized to speak for the group, and that they should take any complaints to the “hotel liaison.”  The hotel needs to know that only the “hotel liaison” is authorized to give them instructions or changes.

Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning

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