Discipling Opportunities in Retreat Planning
The act of discipling in ministry could be defined as raising up someone to take your place. Every place of ministry should be one where others are being trained to lead and run it in a godly way. As we give women the opportunity to help in various areas of retreat preparation, we should have a mindset that is open to teaching those women everything there is to know about accomplishing that task. When we see someone stepping up to take some responsibility in an area, we should be keeping her close, sharing problems with her, leading by example as issues and conflicts arise. We should also allow them to give their input, and profit from their fresh perspective.
Retreat planning, with it many and varied tasks, gives ample opportunity for discipling women in ministry. We never know when God may call us to another area of ministry; by being faithful to disciple those God brings to you, the strength of your ministry remains intact.