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Focal Point Decorating





Decorating can be an overwhelming task when you are trying to decorate an entire room or more than one room in the venue where your retreat or event is taking place.  Instead, try limiting your decorations to the focal point.  Obviously, this would be where all eyes are during the retreat sessions–probably at and around the speaker’s podium.  This could include a cluster of decorations in front of the podium or on the dais on either side, and/or a banner on the wall directly behind the speaker.  By doing this, ladies are focused on the retreat theme for the bulk of the retreat.



Posted in: Decorations, Money-Saving Tips, Retreat and Event Planning

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The Teen Scene

Women’s retreats and teenage young women–how do you handle the teen issue?  We love to include teen girls in our women’s retreats!  Our practice has been to allow young women who are junior high age and up to attend.

Teens who attend our retreats basically fall into these three groups:

  • Teens who come to a retreat with their mom and room with their mom;
  • Teens who come to the women’s retreat with their friends and their mom will not be in attendance;
  • Teens who come to the retreat with their mom, but would prefer to stay with other teens.

Here are a few things we do to accommodate our teens:

  • Find a teen chaperone. Do you have a woman wh0 has a heart for teenage girls? Best case scenario, that woman already works with the youth, and is willing to be with them during the retreat.
  • Permission slip.  For those whose mom will not be at the retreat, a responsible adult must be identified (in writing) and given written permission to make decisions as a parent at the retreat.  This permission must be signed by the parent.
  • Give them a room together.  We ask the hotel or camp for a larger room, so that the teens can all room together with their chaperone.  Hopefully, we can then lower the price for the teens who choose to stay in the group room.
  • Plan teen events at the retreat.  We may plan a few special events for the teens, ranging from a special workshop to special free time activities.



Posted in: Lessons Learned, Ministry at the Retreat, Retreat and Event Planning

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Imposing the “No TV” Rule


It seems like this should go without saying.  Retreats are not the time to relax in front of the TV.  We get more than enough TV time in our normal lives.  But those nice TVs in the hotel rooms where we often have our retreats can be very tempting.  So one of the “suggestions” we make to the women at the beginning of the retreat is that they keep those TVs turned off, so that they can stay focused on the Lord.

How the enemy would love to distract our ladies from what God desires to do in their lives at the retreat by using the television!  These days, perhaps we should  include iPods, iPhones and other electronic distractions, too!

Posted in: Lessons Learned, Retreat and Event Planning

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Schedule a Quiet Time

By its very name, a retreat suggests a time to withdraw and a place of privacy or refuge.  And yet, we can unwittingly make our retreats a very busy time, where a tight schedule of teaching sessions, skits, activities and workshops are sandwiched between meals.  And while women love the activities and the change from their daily routines, we are doing them a disservice if we fail to schedule into our retreats a time to be quiet with the Lord.

Quiet time at a retreat can be scheduled like any other activity.   This is time that women are encouraged to spend in the Word and with the Lord, apart from other distractions.  Often, we give them guidance for their quiet time, so that those who are new to the concept have (at the very least) a Bible passage to read and reflect upon.  An hour is not too long to set aside for quiet time at a retreat!


Posted in: Ingredients for a Great Retreat, Lessons Learned, Retreat and Event Planning, Starting Points in Retreat Planning

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The Dreaded “Praying Aloud”

There are many women, including “retreat rookies” who have a fear of praying aloud.  These women may have a very sweet relationship with the Lord, but for whatever reason are reluctant to pray aloud in front of others.  If we think back to our early days as a Christian, probably all of us understand their hesitation.  Ladies may even shy away from participating in women’s events for fear they will be called upon to pray aloud.  Their fear may result from their lack of opportunity to hear other women praying aloud, a concern that they will misspeak or even pray something that is not Biblical, or simply a reluctance to open up to others in prayer.  They may be intimidated by the flowery, spiritual language used by others in prayer.  This anxiety normally lessens as more time is spent praying with other women, but it can be a very real fear.

We need to be sensitive to this issue faced by some of our women.  Try not to put anyone on the spot.  If you like to divide your women into groups to pray at retreats or other events, we would suggest that you always make sure that the prayer groups have at least three women.  Make sure that you know that at least one woman in the group is comfortable praying aloud, and designate her as the “leader” of the group.  Then, announce that if a woman does not feel comfortable praying aloud, all she needs to do is let her group leader know, and she will be covered by the others in her group.

Posted in: Ministry at the Retreat, Realities of Ministry, Retreat and Event Planning

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