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What Women Do for One Another

God uses women in the body of Christ to minister to other women–to love, affirm and encourage one another. Those are precious relationships.  God gives us a beautiful picture of this in Scripture in the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist.

Both of these moms-to-be were carrying a child whose divine purpose had been revealed by an angel–a unique experience, to say the least.  Being in somewhat similar circumstances, they understood and affirmed what the other was experiencing.  They rejoiced in God together and strengthened one another.  The time they spent together was a gift from God, who knew a woman’s need to share with another woman.

That’s what women do for each other. We support one another and help each other become better, godlier women.  That’s why we need to connect with one another.  God may surprise you with the gift of another woman with whom you can share your heart and receive support and encouragement.  It is what women’s ministry is all about.



Posted in: Inspirations, Ministry at the Retreat

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“Miss Bossy”

“Miss Bossy” is our affectionate nickname for the one who heads up our retreats.  She may not make the final decisions–those are left up to our pastor’s wife (who is also the head of our women’s ministry); however, she has the gift of administration and is in charge of planning the retreat.   She sets up the timeline (or retreat planning calendar) and flow chart, and may be the one who makes assignments of who does what.  She is the one who instructs the leaders and servants as they come together to serve the Lord in putting together a retreat.  We need those who will lead!

If the Lord has put you in a leadership position for your event — you must lead!  Clearly communicate your vision, but don’t lord over your team.  Most helpers will appreciate clear direction; but some may take off in their own direction.  Be kind and humble and ready to lovingly correct.  Be in prayer because the enemy would love for your helpers to get offended with you.  Pray for the gifts you will need to accomplish the task of being “the boss.”

Posted in: Developing Leadership, Realities of Ministry

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The Flow Chart

In the business world, a flow chart, or organizational chart, gives a clear view of the flow of responsibilities within a company.  It is clear who is in charge of an activity, as well as who that person reports to up the ladder.   In ministry, it can be helpful for the same reason.  No matter where you appear on the flow chart, your responsibilities will be clearly listed.  For the leader, a flow chart can prove to be helpful because it replaces the need for making lists and following up constantly to make sure helpers are clear about their responsibilities and deadlines. Keeping it to one page makes it easy to keep track everything at-a-glance.  Take a look at a PDF of our retreat flow chart here.

Posted in: Retreat and Event Planning, Starting Points in Retreat Planning

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Your Beach-Themed Decor

Our latest women’s event targeted women who serve together which we called “Side by Side”.  An illustration of three girls walking arm in arm down a sandy beach was the visual inspiration for a beach theme, and it was a great illustration of serving the Lord together.

Decorations are a great way to re-inforce your theme.  For this beach-themed event, we used sandcastles, shells and lots of sand.  You could also use beach chairs, flip flops, colorful beach towels, buckets–anything “beachy” will do!  Use the decor near the podium, at registration tables, as center pieces, etc.  This theme is very easy on the budget, too, as we have many of those items at home.




Posted in: Decorations, Retreat and Event Planning

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Making a Sandcastle

Here is a cute idea for your beach-themed event–a sandcastle!

At our recent beach-themed event, we decorated with sandcastles and shells.  They came out so very cute and realistic looking!  The base of the larger sand castle is a bucket that children use in their sandbox.  They are often made of brightly-colored plastic, and very low cost.  Because of the bright colors, begin by painting with a primer.  This will keep the bright color of the bucket from showing through. The smaller “towers” of the sandcastles are made of clay pots and inexpensive planters.  These don’t need to be primed.

Use a spray adhesive made for plastic (such as 3M Super 77 Adhesive, found at stores like Home Depot).  After you spray a portion of the bucket, roll in play sand, making sure to apply pressure as you push it into the sand pile.  Spray another section and repeat until the bucket is covered.  For a thicker finish, repeat the process after the bucket dries completely.

These will need to be handled with care, from set-up to removal.  You don’t want the sand to come off, exposing the bucket and making a mess.

Make several and place on a small pile of sand.  Decorate with shells.

Posted in: Decorations, Retreat and Event Planning

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