Posted by Debby on February 25, 2014
The target audience for Retreat-in-a-Bag is women’s ministry leaders in small churches. If that describes you, it is very possible that you don’t have a leadership team as we have discussed. How do you find those women to help you? What qualities are you looking for?
Let me begin by saying, you can’t do this alone. Maybe you are not ready to bring other women in as teachers; however, you need women who will support you and share some of the responsibilities. Begin by asking for discernment and God’s wisdom and timing as you go about forming a leadership team. These are women you will basically be discipling and training in the ministry.
What are you looking for? Here are a few questions to ask.
1) Does she have a heart for the Lord and a teachable spirit? Maybe you have a group of women who are young in the Lord. In that case, you look for the woman who is seeking to grow in the Lord, and making it a priority in her life.
2) Does she have a heart for women? If you already have a women’s ministry going, these are the women you see welcoming and ministering to other women.
3) Is she faithful to the women’s ministry? One who is ready to be a leader is already coming to your women’s ministry events. She makes an effort to attend women’s studies and/or events and makes herself available to help. If you have someone who shows up early and stays late to help you, she may be one to seriously consider for your leadership team.
4) Other things may be a red flag as you consider possible women for your team. If a woman is known to be a gossip among the women, that would be a red flag. If there are problems in her home, that is another possible red flag. Look at how she dresses and talks. Will she be a good example for your women?