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There are many other resources available at This month, we have been describing the Bible study resources that are now available. We also have free and premium retreat/event resources on the website.

The premium resources include:

  • Three books available which provide building blocks for a theme-based retreat. Each book supplies retreat planning information, as well as specific ideas for the retreat theme, including resources such as graphic(s), quiet-time study, skit(s) etc. These are: Discipleship (Putting Off Your Wolf-Like Tendencies) (theme verse Ephesians 4:22-24); Steadfast and Immovable (theme verse I Corinthians 15:58); and We are the Fragrance of Christ (theme verse II Corinthians 2:15).
  • Downloadable “Retreat Guides”, which only give specific ideas and resources for the specific retreat theme (without the retreat planning information). These are: His Wonders in the Deep (from Psalm 107:23-24) and Hidden Riches (from Isaiah 45:3).

Free resources include longer “serial skits” we have used at retreats where we have time for more than a one-act skit. We have shorter skits that have been used for various events. There are free downloadable graphics as well as short quiet time Bible studies which we also use at retreats. Some of these may be applicable if you just want to do a once a month Bible study for your ladies. Blogs written over the years address topics which include retreat planning, developing leadership location, lessons learned, skits, and inspiration.

Check out the website and take time to explore our resources!

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We normally do a 4- to 6-week study in the summer which is topical in nature and limited to 5-8 questions per week, so that the ladies are getting in the Word, but with busy summer and vacation schedules, they can join when they are available. Sometimes we do two lessons a week, since the lessons are so easy. Our summer sessions provide more opportunity for fun and fellowship. Often we decorate, add fun snacks, and many of our studies have free downloadable skits that accompany them. (See the description of each book to see if skits are available.)

We currently have 11 of these short studies available. Check out our offerings at

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Today, we would like to introduce you to some of our verse-by-verse and in-depth studies. We love studying the Bible verse-by-verse! We have 12 in-depth studies available. 

  • Our experience over the years is that women do not normally like to join in the middle of the study. Because of that, we have only limited studies that last the entire Sept-May school year. Those are verse-by-verse studies:
  • The ACTS of the Apostles
  • The Gospel of John; and 
  • Isaiah:God’s Prophecy, Promises and Unfailing Hope.  
  • We have also written verse-by-verse studies on some shorter books of the Bible. These are short enough to complete in one semester (fall or winter/spring). Those books are:
  • Haggai:Consider Your Ways; and 
  • Habakkuk: The Comfort of God’s Sovereignty.
  • We have several verse-by-verse studies which focus on just a chapter or shorter section of the Bible. These are short enough to complete in one semester (fall or winter/spring). These are: 
  • Psalm 91: Safe in God’s Protective Custody
  • Psalm 119: Seeking Him with our Whole Heart
  • The Glorious Truths of Romans 8;
  • Lessons on Prayer from the Heart of Jesus (the Lord’s Prayer); and 
  • God’s Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11).
  • Finally, we two topical studies that are short enough to complete in one semester (fall or winter/spring). These are:
  • A Few Good Men (a study of the eight good kings of Judah, from II Kings and II Chronicles); and 
  • The Holy Spirit: An 8-Week Study of His Person, His Promise and His Power.

If you are like us, we are always planning for our next women’s study. Check out our offerings at

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BIG NEWS! We are excited to announce a new addition to the resources now available at the Retreat-in-a-Bag website. Up until now, resources on the website have focused on everything retreat (including themed events) and skits. As of May 1, 2024, we now offer women’s Bible studies that we have written through our church women’s ministry.

We have found that purchasing studies from retail outlets is not only expensive, but the options are limited: 

  • Very few had the right number of lessons to correspond to the length of time scheduled for our study; 
  • Many were geared to either the serious Bible student or the casual learner–but not both;
  • Some were simply books which had a chapter to read with questions at the end, so that our women were getting someone else’s opinion before digging into the Word for themselves; 
  • Many were geared toward their accompanying video teachings.

Our desire was to focus on a book of the Bible, a chapter of the Bible or a specific section of scripture and do a verse-by-verse study. We wanted something that would challenge our experienced Bible study women and yet keep the interest of those not as acquainted with doing regular Bible homework. For those reasons, we began to write some of our own studies. 

This month, you will get a weekly blog detailing some of what we have to offer. If you are like us, we are alway planning for our next women’s study. Check out our offerings for yourselves at

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Giving your ladies a retreat checklist can prove helpful, particularly for the more rustic retreat settings.  It is always easy to forget something as one rushes around preparing to leave for the weekend.  And if your women have not been to a retreat before, they may not realize what they need.  We found that a checklist was particularly important when we went to a retreat camp (versus a hotel).  This short checklist for our ladies included some of the following:

  • Sleeping bag/pillow (if needed)
  • Towels (if needed)
  • Swimming suit (if pool or hot tub is available)
  • Toiletries
  • Bible and pen

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