
A Women’s Ministry Symphony

symphonyI never played in a band or an orchestra…but I do know that you need an orchestra to play a symphony.  No one can whistle a symphony alone.  A symphony is written for many different instruments.   Some have small parts, others may have solos; sometimes the instruments play in unison with the others, sometimes they play their own separate and distinct part.  There are times when certain instruments rest, while others come in at that particular time, as directed by the conductor.  All are working in unity toward the same “goal”–that harmonious, beautiful and pleasing symphony.  The conductor is the one who knows the entire musical score, and knows the end result that he wants to hear.

The symphony is a picture of God’s design for the church.  I see it within the women’s ministry.  Each woman has her own individual and unique gift (or “instrument”) to play.  She has a area where she serves.  Sometimes she serves in unison with others, sometimes she serves alone and other times she waits until her special gift is needed.  Our Conductor knows the plan, from beginning to end, and He knows that the end result will be a glorious symphony of ministry that is harmonious, beautiful and pleasing to the Lord.

Let the music begin!



Posted in: Inspirations, Realities of Ministry

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