4 Reasons to Include a Book Table at your Women’s Event
There are some who might say that reading books is a lost art. Everything is digital But books are still making the best seller lists.
At every retreat, and even some women’s events, we try to have a “book table” set up for the women to browse and buy solid Christian books that we recommend. I have written a lot regarding this on this website (check out blog category “book table“), and even have a drop-down menu of recommended books under “Resources.” Here are some reasons why this is a part of our normal practice:
1. Reading Christian books, in addition to regular Bible reading and study, can foster spiritual growth.
2. Women who like to read don’t always make the best choices of reading material; we like to make books available which will encourage and edify and build up, as well as being doctrinally correct.
3. Having a selection of good Christian books available (and possibly doing book reviews at the event) encourages women to broaden their reading options to include biographies and other genres that perhaps they don’t normally read.
4. Often we can get books at a wholesale or discounted price, and sell at or close to cost, which makes purchasing books more affordable for our ladies. We also include used and donated books which women can “purchase” for a donation of any amount.